Nidagravel 140

Gravel Grids for stabilising gravel driveways, pathways . Jump to nidagravel 1- nidagravel parking. Nidagravel is an alternative to traditional pavings. Ideal for paths, driveways, parking spaces, terraces.

The honeycomb structure of nidagravel panels completely stabilises the gravel. NIDAGRAVEL 1has been developed for the creation of stable, long-lasting, water-permeable path and driveway surfaces using gravel.

It is made from polypropylene sheets with a honeycomb structure used for gravel stabilisation. Wichtigste physikalische und mechanische Eigenschaften: Masse pro Flächeneinheit: ca. Technical specifications. Alla lastra , al momento della estrusione viene applicato su un lato un TNT per contrastare il passaggio delle infestanti e per contenere la ghiaia.

Adrian Hall Garden Centres London, Garden Centre Middlesex. Livraison toute France sous jours. Sa pose est parfaitement adaptée au particulier souhaitant réaliser la mise en oeuvre lui même.

Caractéristique stabilisateur gravier.

Référence NIDAGRAVEL 140. Recevez notre newsletter. Historie francouzské výrobní společnosti Nidaplast sahá do 80. Driveway Designs and Ideas.

Design Types – what shape and style would you like. Design Elements – consider such things as driveway parking, width, driveway drainage, turnaround and backup areas, lighting, edgin . We all know gravel can add an elegant touch to any garden, driveway or business premises, but all to often the disadvantages associated with gravel prevent it from becoming the product of choice. Grindstabilisatie voor oprit,terras, parking,. De plaat maakt grind goed beloopbaar en berijdbaar.

Er is geen verankeringssysteem nodig. Als de platen gevuld zijn, blijven ze op hun plaats. Square metres per panel, 2. Panel depth, 40mm, 25mm, 40mm. It uses a special system that involves laying gravel on polypropylene sheets with a honeycomb structure.

The sheets are laid on a suitable sub-base, and gravel is then spread on top, making them invisible.