Delta fassade

Breathable, UV-resistant insulating protection sheet with adhesive strips along both edges. For façades with open joints up to 50mm wide. DELTA – FASSADE PLUS DELTA – FASSADE.

Membrana altamente traspirante impermeabile , resistente ai raggi UV. Per la realizzazione di facciate a giunti aperti.

Con doppia banda adesiva integrata. Fassadenbahn zum sicheren Schutz der Fassade und Wärmeisolation vor Wind und Feuchtigkeit. A black UV, water, and tear resistive vapor permeable membrane for open joint rain screen cladding systems. It is highly UV resistant, puncture resistant and comes in matching matte . Facing constructions featuring very wide open joints offer new design options – at the same time, they increase the risk of the wall assembly being impaired by UV light and moisture.

It is composed of a highly tear-resistant polyester substrate with a waterproof coating and can be installed in back-vented cladding systems featuring open joints up to wide and open joint areas . Wood or metal facings often feature open joints to improve the structure of a facade. However, these joints expose underlying insulation layers to more dirt and moisture.

Delta – Fassade S for open joint cladding systems. The watertight membrane is highly vapor permeable and tear resistant, as well as UV-resistant. Damp-open, UV-bestendige folie voor de bescherming van de isolatie bij gevelconstructies met open voegen tot mm. UV-resistant water-resistive barrier specifically designed for open joint cladding systems.

Finding a place to live is not easy, and affording ownership costs is even harder, with a cost of living that is almost above the U. Materiál Speciálně povrstvený vysoce pevný polyesterový vlies s vodotěsným plastovým povrchem. Download Now Email me this. For any queries on cellar drainage equipment, basement waterproofing solutions or structural waterproofing systems please contact us.

Description: permeable, UV-stabilized protective foil. Material: special coated high-tear resistant polyester membrane with waterproof plastic coating. Co bylo doposud vtlačeno do anonymity, může být nyní součástí celkového ztvárnění domu či budovy.

Nová sada barevných fasádních pásů nabízí . Są to najczęściej konstrukcje z drewna lub metalu. Choix des matériaux et des couleurs. De folie is geschikt voor.

It serves as a drainage plane channeling water from wind-driven rain to the outside of the structure.

Vapor permeable and tear resistant, it comes in rolls measuring feet inches . Difuzně otevřený, UV-odolný izolační pás s lepicími okraji po obou stranách role pro ochranu fasád s otevřenými spárami do šíře mm. Vhodný pro ochranu fasád s otevřenými spárami do šíře a maximálním podílem spár do z plochy. De waterdichte vliesbekleding en de duurzame UV-weerstand zorgen voor een ideale bescherming van de invloeden . Vodotěsné povrstvení speciální textilie a dlouhodobá odolnost proti UV záření zabezpečují .